Saturday, 1 June 2013

Single Mothers

They have forever been one of the most easily accessible types of women on the planet. As it stands women are already relentlessly emotional beings, but adding a baby and a breakup into the mix will push a woman's rational thought even further from their mind, as their biological urges to find a provider for their offspring takes a strangle hold on their day to day activities. With bodies that are tired, bank accounts that are empty and an emotional need for a replacement father, it's no surprise that whenever the term "single mother" is uttered the thought of 'easy sex' forcefully enters a male's mind.

My most recent run-in with a single mother was just 6 days ago and I have decided that I should take some advice from my readers as to how to best handle the situation.

The night would begin with a few innocent drinks at my brother’s house. Jayden, my brother and I were due at a friend’s birthday party in the city and as we are currently saving money for South America in September, we had no other option but to drink as much as we could before we headed out.

Hey, how are you? My name is Tegan.”

My sister had invited one of her friends over for an hour or so for a chat as she had just unexpectedly lost her job. Tegan was one of the few of my sister’s friends that I had never met. She was short, with an extremely large set of breast implants. Her personality was overwhelmingly bubbly; the kind of person that always had something to talk about.

We all sat talking for a while as her two children restlessly explored the house. I thought nothing of how naturally touchy she was, as she seemed to be overly hands on with my sister also. At no stage within the first hour of Tegan arriving did the thought of fucking her run through my mind. As with all of my sister’s friends, there was a friendly vibe beaming back and forth between us, but in no way was there ever an undercurrent of sexual intent… until it happened. The look a woman would give you if you possessed the only penis left on the planet and she hadn’t had a good dicking in decades. The look a woman would give you if she heard that you had given ten orgasms to every girl you’d ever slept with. The look a woman would give you if your cock was made from solid gold and could cure cancer.

I had played with her kids and made them laugh; an area of fatherhood that their father apparently needed to work on. I recognised the look of desire in her face almost immediately and panicked for the reasons listed below.

  • My sister had warned me that Tegan had had a psychopath ex-boyfriend that she was still on and off with.
  • If I fucked her and my sister found out she would possibly kick me out of her house.
  • I couldn’t completely ignore after we have had sex because, like most single mothers, they are emotionally fragile when I comes to men brushing them off once bodily fluids had been exchanged. This would then affect her relationship with my sister. 

The problem with most sexual encounters is that if you actually sat down and rationalised the situation before you had sex you’d most likely never get laid.

After my sister, my brother and Jayden had decided to have a cigarette outside Tegan and I were suddenly alone. Before I could try to fill the awkward sexual silence with a word of conversation I was forcefully pushed down onto the couch as she dug her knees firmly into my hips, straddling me like a seasoned cowgirl. After briefly gazing into my eyes she unleashed ten seconds of passionate make out session onto my face. I pushed her off in an attempt to take in the situation.

Do you want to go into one of the rooms really quickly and have some fun?” She said as she bit her bottom lip like an amateur porn-star trying to look sexy.

“…but everyone is just outside and I have to leave in 20 minutes.” I quickly replied. The cons of this sexual encounter far outweighed the pros so at this point in time I was happy to deny her my penis.

I have since been in contact with her, but I’m a little tentative as to whether to meet up with her again. Should I fuck my sister’s psychopath-ex-boyfriend-single-mother friend? 

Have your say in the comments section below.

 - Gavin Madden


  1. Did gavin madden ever left out a chance like that? Hurry the fuck up and get your dick inside her!

  2. I spose you have to whether she's hot enough to get beaten fo'!
