Monday, 19 November 2012

Using travel to improve your game

Becoming worldlier, developing your independence and culture shock are among the things you experience when travelling the world and living in youth hostels, but one of the bachelor’s most important skills he will learn whilst abroad will be a higher level of game. I don’t care whether he is a beginner; intermediate or advanced the truth of the matter is that he will be guaranteed an unprecedented gaming paradise and presented with the opportunity to truly be whoever he wants to be.

During your high school years you are placed in a hierarchy that for most people excludes them from having the opportunity to fuck the tastiest women. They have a reputation to uphold and they can’t be seen kissing a boy that’s seen to be of little to no value to the rest of the popular kids. Even years out of high school social circle bigotry is a harrowing force behind why a lot of men don’t bang the women they desire. This isn’t to say it never happens, but dipping your meat-rod into a high-class girls’ cock-wallet is more likely to happen if you’re thousands of miles away from your respective social circles.

Taking friends away from a woman of value will instantly increase your chances of banging her. One of the main reasons for this is because she has no one to judge her but herself. Knowing that she probably will never see you again allows her to break free of any worrying biological urges. These are the urges that tell her that “everyone will find out!” and that her value amongst her group will take a hit for banging someone that doesn’t meet the group’s ‘value criteria’. How a girl wants to be viewed by her social circle plays the most important role in whether she bangs you or not and this simply isn’t an issue when abroad.

Tip: Say you wanted a one-night stand from a hot Ukrainian. I found out the hard way that this was something that happens rarely due to their conservative views on sex. Your best bet is to research the place Ukrainian’s go on holiday during the summer. Most of the time any conservativeness they possessed in their hometown will be out the window and you’ll be banging more Ukrainians than you ever did in L’viv or Kiev.

Before I started traveling my game was average to say the least. Social situations never fazed me, but pursuing girls that were of upper echelon quality was something I struggled with. Upon my arrival home with a smorgasbord of life/sexual experiences under my belt I felt as though I was able to be a lot more interesting than I had ever been before. Not only did I have more to talk about, I also felt as if my topic of conversation was more favourable when up against the same old drivel you hear come out the typical 9-5 worker’s mouth.

I can honestly say that two thirds of the women I have banged have been while back packing. My advice to you would be to ask any person who has experienced back packing what their numbers are whilst abroad and then compare that to what they average when they’re in their hometown. The figures really do speak for themselves.

- Gavin Madden

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